Company Information

Do you have a physical store/showroom? Where is it located?

Yes, Filmtools currently has 1 physical store location in Burbank, CA where you can come in and shop for all of your filmmaking equipment in person! The store is located at 1400 W. Burbank Blvd., Burbank, CA 91506. Click Here for the store's informational webpage.

What are your hours of operation?

For information in regards to our hours of operation, you can visit our contact page for more details.

Are you open to the public?

Yes. Anyone can shop at Filmtools!

Where can I read about the Filmtools company and its history?

Is Filmtools hiring?

How can I contact Filmtools?

Click here to visit our contact page which includes a directory of contact information for specific departments and sales reps. Most customer's questions can be answered instantly by browsing this F.A.Q. so be sure to give it a good look!

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